Category Archives: General

General | Mar 20, 2020

Covid 19 Update

Injury Treatment at AICA During Outbreak To Our Valued Patients, As you know, we deeply care about the wellbeing and safety of each of our patients, and that sentiment continues as we navigate this new virus. AICA Orthopedics will continue to serve car accident and personal injury victims during this…

Is a Chiropractor Considered a Doctor

General | Dec 26, 2020

Is a Chiropractor Considered a Doctor?

Sometimes when traditional doctors are unable to give you the relief you need from your pain and discomfort, you might consider seeing a chiropractor. If you have chronic back pain from an old injury or get a stiff neck after hunching over your computer all day, you might find yourself…


General | Nov 2, 2021

8 Questions to Ask When You First Meet with an Orthopedic Surgeon

Visiting any doctor for the first time can be overwhelming, confusing, or even scary- and when that doctor is a surgeon, this is even more true. One thing that can help is going into your appointment with a list of questions so that you don’t forget anything important while feeling…


General | Jan 15, 2022

How to Relieve Rotator Cuff Pain at Night

The pain of a torn rotator cuff can be excruciating, especially at night. You may make it throughout the day with little to no pain, but then when night comes, it can be pretty extreme. Rotator cuff pain seems to flare up at night, making it hard to get the…


General | Feb 28, 2022

What Kind of Doctor Treats Sciatica?

Sciatica is often known as some of the most excruciating back pain a person can suffer. When you are suffering from sciatica, one of your main priorities will be seeking care that can help alleviate the pain and return you to normal levels of activity. But you may wonder who…


General | Mar 26, 2022

What Is the Fastest Way to Heal a Dislocated Shoulder?

A dislocated shoulder occurs when the bone in your upper arm is dislodged from the socket it is meant to rest in. The shoulder is the body’s most flexible and mobile joint, so dislocated shoulders happen more frequently than dislocations of any other joint in the body. Because of this,…


General | Mar 29, 2022

12 Common Knee Injuries and Treatment

As chiropractors and physical therapists, we see dozens, if not hundreds, of knee injuries come through our offices every year, often seeking out car accident treatment. Whether you’ve been in a car accident or not, knee injuries are some of the most common injuries that Americans face. More than 10…

Common Soft Tissue Injuries from Car Accidents

General | Apr 30, 2022

Common Soft Tissue Injuries from Car Accidents

Car accidents can turn your life into a distinct before and after time. Before your car accident, you probably weren’t thinking of police reports, lawyers, insurance, and doctors. In fact, it’s not uncommon for victims of car accident injuries to be so preoccupied with the stress of dealing with the…

Characteristics of Jaw Pain

General | May 17, 2022

Why Does My Jaw Hurt on One Side?

The experience of jaw pain can be unique as you may wonder whether the problem is rooted in the joints and muscles or in a dental issue. While this pain is not uncommon, it may feel more alarming when you have pain on only one side of your jaw. There…

Plantar Fasciitis

General | Jun 19, 2022

Plantar Fasciitis: Causes, Signs, Treatments

Do you wake up in the morning with a stabbing foot pain as you take your first steps? Maybe the pain starts to lessen as you walk around and get moving. Or perhaps you feel a stabbing pain in your heels after you’ve been on your feet for a long…

Is Popping Your Joints Bad for You

General | Jun 19, 2022

Is Popping Your Joints Bad for You?

For some people, cracking your joints is part of daily life. You may frequently find yourself cracking your knuckles throughout the day. Or perhaps you notice pops and cracks when you get out of bed first thing in the morning. Sometimes a friend or coworker might even hear your popping…

Joint Pain

General | Jun 27, 2022

When to Push through Joint Pain and When to See a Doctor

You might not realize just how much you depend on your joints for everyday routines and activities until you start experiencing joint pain. An injury or health condition can make simple tasks uncomfortable and painful, like reaching above your head to pick up something off a shelf or walking up…

Need to Know About High Ankle Sprains

Conditions, General | Jun 29, 2022

What You Need to Know About High Ankle Sprains 

As one of the most common injuries across the United States, you have more than likely suffered from an ankle sprain before. Whether you tripped on a sidewalk or kicked a soccer ball at a bad angle, ankle sprains can be painful for anyone. However, you may not realize that…

Common Are Dashboard Knee Injuries

General, Knee Pain | Jul 17, 2022

How Common Are Dashboard Knee Injuries?

You typically don’t see a car accident coming, so when you don’t know it’s about to happen, you can’t brace yourself for the impact. The sudden surprise of a car accident is often what ends up leading to car accident injuries. In fact, knee pain is common for both drivers…

Do I Know if My Back Pain Is Serious

Back Pain, General | Jul 17, 2022

How Do I Know if My Back Pain Is Serious?

Did you wake up this morning with back pain? Or perhaps you noticed back pain only when you went to pick up your child or head out for a run. No matter when back pain strikes, it can really impact your quality of life. While some aches and pains are…

What Type of Doctor Should I See after a Car Accident

Accident Recovery, General | Jul 19, 2022

What Type of Doctor Should I See after a Car Accident?

Nearly three million Americans are treated in emergency rooms each year due to car accidents and associated trauma. While some car accident injuries are emergent and require a trip to the emergency room, others will linger and turn chronic as a result of needing ongoing treatment to successfully treat your…

Steps to Take after a Slip and Fall Injury

General | Jul 19, 2022

8 Steps to Take after a Slip and Fall Injury

Slip and fall injuries can be painful, debilitating, and have long healing times. After a slip and fall accident, you may have minor injuries that heal quickly but can also be suffering from extended pain and discomfort. Slip and fall injuries can result in severe complex injuries that make getting back…

Car Accident Myths

Accident Recovery, General | Sep 16, 2022

The Top Five Car Accident Myths

Millions of people receive medical attention every year for car accident injuries, and yet there are still many myths and misconceptions regarding car accidents. Whether you were in a major crash or rear-ended by another driver, it’s important to make sure you get checked out by a specialist to make…

Car Accident Aggravate a Pre-Existing Condition

Accident Prevention, General | Sep 22, 2022

Did a Car Accident Aggravate a Pre-Existing Condition?

Car accidents can occur at any time and impact anyone, even if the accident is not your fault. In the United States, about 6 million car accidents are reported annually. Car accidents can potentially worsen an injury or medical issue that you had already been dealing with prior to the accident.…

What Is a Bone Spur

General | Sep 26, 2022

Can a Car Accident Cause Bone Spurs?

When you think about car accident injuries, the obvious ones that come to mind are likely whiplash, broken bones, and concussions. You might also know from experience or know other people who have suffered a car accident injury that end up with back pain and neck pain after a wreck.…

Risk Factors for Developing PTSD after a Car Accident

General | Sep 29, 2022

Dealing with Emotional and Mental Trauma After a Car Accident

A car accident can be a terrifying and painful experience that may result in emotional and mental trauma. Car accident trauma can be temporary and benign, or it may evolve into something more complicated. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after a car accident is all too common, occurring in up to 42% of…

General | Oct 13, 2022

Keeping Yourself Safe from Aggressive Drivers

Picture this: You are driving home from work and eager to get some dinner. You feel your stomach rumbling and look forward to changing into comfortable clothes and spending time with your family. But before you can get there, you have to work your way through thirty minutes of rush-hour…

General | Oct 13, 2022

Top 8 Injuries from Bike Accidents

You may think of your childhood when hearing about a bike accident, but the truth is bicycle accidents are very common and often result in injuries. According to the CDC, there are over 130,000 accidents resulting in biking injuries every year. Of these accidents, nearly 1000 people die as a…

Piriformis Syndrome

General | Nov 8, 2022

Is Piriformis Syndrome Linked to My Recent Accident?

The condition known as sciatica may be commonly known as a sharp pain that begins in the lower back and buttocks and can travel down the leg. But sometimes, there is a different type of pain that can be felt in the hip, buttocks, upper leg, or even lower in…

Car Accident Doctors Approach Spinal Cord Injuries

General | Nov 15, 2022

How Do Car Accident Doctors Approach Spinal Cord Injuries?

There are many serious injuries that can be the result of experiencing a car accident. One of the most serious injuries that can occur from a car accident is a spinal cord injury. Not only is this type of injury extremely painful, but it can also be debilitating, affecting the…

Herniated Disc Risk Factors

General | Dec 15, 2022

Herniated Disc Risk Factors

The spine provides support and stability to the human body while also protecting the spinal cord and nerves. A column of bones called vertebrae make up the spine, separated by spongy discs that act as shock absorbers, known as spinal discs. The spine also has a complex and vital network…

Hairline Ankle Fracture

General | Jan 18, 2023

How to Deal with a Hairline Ankle Fracture?                      

A hairline fracture refers to a specific type of broken bone where small cracks or thinning of the bone occurs. In fact, unlike other types of broken bones, it is possible to have a hairline fracture and not know it. When small cracks or thinning first occur, they may not…

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